Visitor information page page was created in order to find out some information about website visitors, such as IP are used, browser used, and the date and time a user to browse your website.
To make the visitor info page, follow these steps:
1 Create a new page with HTML, then save it as visitors_info.php.
2 Next create another new page with the PHP option, enter the following script:
$time = date("d F Y, h:iA");
$browser = $HTTP_USER_AGENT;
$fp = fopen("visitors_info.html", "a");
Address IP:$ip Time: $time
Browser: $browser
Browser: $browser
$ REMOTE_ADDR function is used to obtain the IP numbers of visitors, the function date () to take the time, while the function $ HTTP_USER_AGENT is used to obtain information on what browser you are using and its version of the browser.
visitors_info.html used to open the file open function (), then the information is already in use can be written in visitors_info.html function fputs (). File visitors_info.html closed using the function fclose ().
3. Save and name it as visitors_info.php.
4. Show to your browser to see results...
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