
Friday, May 27, 2011

Making Fiberglass Roof Sheets (flat surfaces)

Print a sheet of fiberglass roofing process is the same as making a wave fiber roof, the difference is only in print. When the wave roof using corrugated roof sheets as the print so it can use the plate, table glass or plywood. When you use the plywood should be given a plastic mat mica in stores fiberglass.

Mika commonly used for roofing sheets is called a film. Fiberglass roofing sheets can be made in many sizes also important is the base for the printing, can also use the floor as flat as long as its base.
When made in size to the roof of a wave that is two layers thick 1.80x0.80 then the materials and tools required are :

1. 157 BQTN Resin 1kg (1000cc)
2. Catalyst 10cc
3. Fiberglass (MAT) 2kg
4. Gel coat 1kg
5. Cobalt N 5cc
6. Mirror glaze wax
7. Melamine plywood 1.80x0.80
8. Size 3-inch paintbrush
9. Plastic measuring cup fill 2 kg
10. Plastic stirrer
11. Pipette
12. Spoon-sized drug cc
13. Bales of cloth (to wipe the nonstick material)

Furthermore, the following sequences of workmanship.

• Preparing Prints
Prints to print this sheet of fiberglass roofing plywood melamine adalh 1.80x.080 m size is placed on a flat floor. The top of the melamine polished with four non-stick coating layer. Each new layer allowed to dry before the next layer. When the waves of polished zinc three times, then at least four times melamine polishing. Increasingly thick layer of nonstick material is more easily remove the printout.

• Gel Coat Mixing
Gel coat for this first layer of 0.5kg N cobalt catalyst of 2cc and 5 cc. The first is a 0.5 gel coat is mixed with cobalt N 2cc stir until blended. Into the mixture is then added to the catalyst as much as 5cc and stirred again. When dough is ready then applied on plywood that has been given a nonstick material. The way is to use a brush applying paint.

• Attaching Fiber Fiber Layer (MAT)
When the layer of gel coat has dried then coated with fiberglass resin embedded and soaked in 157 BQTN. Mixture to wet mixture is a resin MAT 157 BQTN as much as 500cc (0.5kg) was mixed with 5 cc of catalyst and stirring until blended. When the mixture has been flat then used to wet the fiberglass fibers while pressed, press the gel coat layer which has dried up. The first layer is allowed to dry first then installed a second layer of an amount equal to the first layer.

• Gelcoat Paste as into a Second Layers
The second layer of gel coat is the amount of material and workmanship as well as the first layer. The dough mixture consisting of gel coat as much as 0.5kg mixed with 2cc cobalt N and stirred until blended, then mixed again with the catalyst as much as 5cc and stirred again. The mixture is then dipoleskan dough to cover the fiberglass layer to the second.
When the layer of gel coat has dried it is then allowed in the open and it was over the process of making fiberglass roofing sheets.

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